It's Time to Start Your Adventures
Here are our weekly service’s and other relevant information.

Sunday Service 10:45-12:00
Praise, Worship and Sermon.

Tea & Coffee 10:15-10:45
Join us for tea and coffee before the service starts.

Sunday School 11:15-12:00
A time for the children to enjoy the Lords message too.

Tuesday Bible Study 19:00-21:00
Weekly meeting where we study how good God is.
Jesus said: go into all the world and preach the good news of the gospel to all who are unaware.
- Experience: Touching peoples live with God's love.
- Reputation: God is good and we should reflect him.
- Guide: Let Jesus lead you into life.
Jesus touched people’s lives, changed them through relationship and love. He has something that everyone is looking for.
- Signposting: Reaching the local community.
- Food Parcel: Immediate and practical help.
- Empathy: Change needs support.